Immediate Volunteer Needs

It takes a village to support the many programs and activities at Buena Vista.  Your assistance is always welcome and much appreciated.  Please consider sharing your time with us.  And thank you for all your support. The following are our immediate volunteer need:

Backpack Buddies

We always need more volunteers to help us pack food for children who are food insecure every Friday morning from 7:20-7:50.  No experience necessary.  We will pack two "lunch" bags for each student that has signed-up to be in the program.  This is done discreetly as to protect the privacy of the students in the program.  If this is your first time with Backpack Buddies, you should also know that there is a very systematic process so that we make the best use of your time! Sign up coming soon!

Brain Builders

Brain Builders is a tutoring program geared for those students who would benefit from a little extra one-on-one time. Volunteers meet with student(s) for 30 minutes each week focusing on the activities that the teacher recommends. Sign up coming soon!

School Store

Please consider volunteering in our School Store in the Atrium from 7:30-7:55am.  This is a great way to miss morning traffic and get to know the kids at BV.  You can volunteer as often as your schedule permits. Sign up coming soon!