Support Their Growth!

The Buena Vista PTA offers numerous programs focused on creating meaningful engagement of families in student success.  All of our programs ensure the children of BVE have what they need to reach their academic goals and excel in educational achievement. 

Backpack Buddies

Backpack Buddies provides weekly food care packages for Buena Vista families in need.   This outreach is supported by generous financial support and food donations from our parents, teachers, local businesses, and other community organizations.  If you are interested in donating, watch the weekly Newsflash for a list of suggested items.  Donations are accepted throughout the year and can be placed in the drop-off box located near the atrium.  If your family is in need of assistance, and qualifies for free/reduced meals, please contact a BV Guidance Counselor.  All requests remain confidential. This program is also supported through our annual BINGO Night event.